Course Proposals
Faculty submit course proposals by the end of Fall Term (Friday of Exam Week) for the following academic year. Faculty are encouraged to meet with the department head prior to submitting their proposals.
Procedure to submit course proposals
To submit a proposal, log into the COLT Courses website using your Duck ID. On left menu from your home screen, click “Submit Proposal.” Choose the correct academic year in the drop-down. You will be asked your preferred term to teach the course and to enter any comments, for example, a brief description if this is a new course. Click Save when you are finished. Proposals are due on December 10.
Discussing course proposals
After submitting proposals, faculty are encouraged to use the Comments feature rather than e-mail for communicating with the department regarding their proposals. E-mail exchanges are not tracked by department staff.
To use the Comment feature, click on your proposal to “View” it, then scroll down to the “Comments” box. After entering your comment, click “Save.” When you click “Save” notification is sent to the department.
To edit your proposal, first click on it to view it, then click on the “Edit” tab. Scroll up or down to hit “Save” when you are finished making changes.
Finalizing course assignments
The department head will assign courses by posting a comment to your course proposal. You will receive an automated e-mail when the comment is posted. Questions about your assignments should be directed to the department head. Courses will normally be assigned by January 20.