Supervising Teaching Assistants
The following information relates to the supervision of Comparative Literature Graduate Employee Teaching Assistants in large lecture courses.
The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) stipulates that Graduate Employees are to be provided a copy of the syllabus at least two weeks prior to the start of each term.
Desk Copies
Graduate Employees are to be provided course materials at no charge. Please arrange for your Graduate Employees to receive desk copies of course texts. These may be ordered through the publisher. If you are experiencing difficulty with procuring the texts, please consult your department head.
The CBA stipulates that each department establish an Absence Policy which conforms to Article 29 of the CBA. All absences must be reported to the Instructor of Record as well as the Department.
Planning meeting
Faculty are encouraged to meet with their Teaching Assistants during the latter weeks of the term prior to the start of their course.
Workload Templates
The CBA stipulates that each department must provide a template for Graduate Employee workload distribution, which may be used voluntarily. Either the instructor or Graduate Employee may initiate its use.